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Episode 9 - The Fascinating World of Intellectual Property Law and How it Applies to Software

12 mins
  • Intellectual Property Law was created to foster innovation and competition.
  • The concept has actually been around for centuries.
  • Today, IP Law provides a way to protect coding innovations that may be novel or unique.
  • It refers to ownership of intangible things, giving people and businesses property rights to the intellectual goods and innovation they create, usually for a limited time.

  • You can own a specific brand logo, a unique way of solving a software problem or even a composition.

  • There are four types of intellectual property:

    • Copyrights - for anything dubbed as “art” like paintings, music, etc.
    • Patents - for inventions, meant to purposely enable a monopoly on their production.
    • Trademarks - these are brand-related like logos, catchphrases and others that help identify a company.
    • Trade Secrets - concepts that give a business some competitive edge over another.

Patenting Code

  • Software patents can be tricky compared to physical inventions. You generally can’t obtain a patent on the specific code you’ve written to solve a problem.
  • It’s hard to argue uniqueness and novelty with software.
  • You are still able to patent the solution to the problem that you’re implementing in code, or the system / method you’re using to solve it.
  • Discoverability is also a big issue with software.
  • Patent Applications take years to process.
  • You have to disclose how you solved the problem.

Copyrighting Code

  • Coding itself is considered a creative endeavor. Therefore, it’s art just as much as a poem or a book is.
  • Copyright doesn’t protect the ideas behind the code.
  • Original software is automatically copyrighted under international law.
  • You must register the work in order to sue under US law. But that implies you have to publish some portion of the source or object code.
  • However, this is an issue because it makes other people or competitors aware of your software and the problem it’s solving. Plus there’s security implications with publicizing your code.
  • But you can use copyright to protect the literal copy of your software. This can also include audiovisual work used in your program.
  • The law allows a “fair use” claim - as defined by the courts - for those that are copying your code. For example you can modify copyrighted software for personal use or use it for educational purposes.

Code as a Trade Secret

  • Treating software as a trade secret does not require you to submit a prior application or upfront filing.
  • Court cases seem to show that an entire software package is hard to protect. But the source code itself is most likely to be treated as a trade secret.
  • However, the more visible to a user that part of your software is, the less protection it receives.
  • Open source software does not qualify for this protection.
  • Filing code as a trade secret gives you legal grounds in case someone steals the code for their own benefit, even if they slightly modify it.

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Background music by Vendredi from Audio Library+
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